Creating an Infinity Mirror

An Infinity Mirror consists of 2 or more parallel mirrors that will reflect an object multiple times creating a sense of infinite space.


To create the blueprint, I used Fusion 360 modeling software to generate the drawings and relevant dimensions. The best part about using CAD software is that gives me a sense of how the shelving will look when completed. It takes the guess-work out of engineering.

The concept is to sandwich LED lights in-between 2 mirrors to reflect the lights repeatedly. In order to view the effect, one of the mirrors needs to be see through. So to do that, I purchased a regular sheet of glass and applied a 2 way mirror film on to it. I created a frame using some 2 by 2s and a large plank of wood cut to 30*20". The bottom layer of this frame housed the mirror, then above, I installed LED strips to the side of the frame. Then finally on top was the 2-way mirror I prepped earlier.

I secured everything down and displayed it in the family room. Unfortunately, over time, the LED strip adhesives in the corner lost their strength and have since sagged down.